

By CyP


Estamos en Krabi...el final de nuestro recorrido por el Sur de Thailandia. El hotel es muy bonito y esta apartado de multitudes cosa que agradecemos...pero que nos ha obligado a alquilar un coche para investigar los parques naturales de la zona. Ay ay ay...despues de convencer a Carlos para que condujera un cacharro mas viejo que yo y POR LA IZQUIERDA ... la verdad es que el dia ha sido super chulo. Hemos hecho mas de 300km...dando botes pero ha sido muy divertido...y eso que nos hemos perdido varias veces una de ellas hemos llegado a una valla donde terminaba la carretera y unos simpaticos militares armados con metralletas nos han hecho dar la vuelta, eso si, sin perder la sonrisa...luego nos hemos dado cuenta que el camino llevaba a algo que se llamaba "la residencia de la princesa" asi que creemos que nos hemos intentado meter en el Marivent tailandes...jeje. Os colgamos una fotos de los parques naturales...en uno de ellos habia unas cascadas super bonitas de aguas termales que me han dejado como nueva...eso si que ha sido un masaje! en el otro lo que llaman el "lago de cristal" increible...parecia dibujado...ya vereis las fotos. Despues hemos ido a comer a las playas mas concurridas y hemos bordeado la costa de vuelta al hotel.
Manana toca excursion en elefante..ay ay ay...y si hace buen tiempo (no esta muy claro, me encanta el concepto de temporada seca, como sera la humeda...) despues iremos a alguna de las islas deshabitadas que hay enfrente de la playa.

En el hotel Krabi Sands

Un poco de relax en nuestra terracita...el hotel es genial, aunque la playa no me convence (muchos cangrejos!!!!)


Krabi eta Puket


BY Kaixo danoi

Hemen nau berriz be gure abenturak kontetan! Azkenekoz idatzi nauenetik Koh Tao irla zoragarrixa itxi eta Surath Thani zikin eta aspergarrira juengitzen. Baina bidian toketan zalako, Krabi eta Phuket eko bidian. Krabira 12xetan heldu ta 1etan eskaletako bidien gauzen. Railey Beach en. Pareta eder batzuk die, gradu samurretik latzenea, ur ganien marea igoten danien. Bertara heltzeko txalupa txiki baten juenbiher izan ginen, ezdau ta errepiderik bertaraino. Biak zapaltzen zauen tipua jota zoratuta zauen, pasada bat. Izerdi apur bat ein eta bueltau inginen Krabira, bueno, ondoko herri txiki batera. Gabien be ezin geldi egon ta motorra hartuta Krabi hirira juetia pentzau gauen, iguel esan dot lehenau baina hemen beti scooterrakin ibiltzen gare alde batetik bestera, ostixarenbat be grabauta dau ikustia gurebozue bidixuetan. Afaldu aguen bai Italiano on baten, Guns and roses en bersinuak itxen zauen talde batek guretako esklusiboki joz. Kontue da gero bueltan, 20 bat kilometro zauzela etxeraino ta gasolina barek gelditu gitzela ohianan erdixen! eztakitzue zelako beldurra ta zelako zaratak entzuten zien karretera ondotik! azkenian bertako biejo batek bere rantxeran igo zuzkun eta etxeraino eruen, ni motor ganien ta motorra ranchera gainien. Hurrengo egunian Phi Phi irletara juenginen bertan gaba bat pasetako asmuaz.
Irla honeik Tsunamiak gustiz Eskaletan gainetik pasau eta deskojonau inzitxun, ta oin rekonstruiruten dabiz, inolako plan urbanistiko barik. Hau da, dana eskonbrua eta zaborra irla osuen barrena, dana langiliak eta txiringituak nahastuta, janarixakin eta turistekin batera. Hori bai, irla osuen ez zauen ibilgailurik, bizikletak kenduta. Eztakitzue zelako penia emuten zauen plaiak, ordurarte ikusitxa naukon tokirik ederrena bazan bai, baina baita zikinena be.

Hurrengo egunian Phi Phi txikira juen ginen, hau bai ondo zaindua ta edifikau barekua. Leonardo diCAprioren 'La playa" ikusitxa badaukoztue, ba pelikula hori irla hontan grabau zen. Izuragarri politxa da, dana 100m ko tontorrez inguratuta, ur transparentiak eta mila koloredun arrainak. Morena bat ikusi gauen, barko txiki baten emun zotzagun buelta irlai eta noizien behin betaurreko eta tubuekin uretara botatzen gitzen. Pues eso, morena bat! horrek arrapau ezkero... Gero uretatik sartuta, arroka arteko pasadizo txiki batetik Maya Beach ondartza ederrera sartu ginen. Pelikula dala eta, gende mordua zauen!

Ba hori, Phi phi irlak eta Krabiko probintzia itxi eta barkuen, nola ez, Phuketera heldu ginen. Laburtuz, Phuket munduko puta eta trabeluen tokirik faborituenetako bat omen da. Thailandiako Rio de Janeiro deritze. Eta hola da bai, imaginau ezin dan putiferiua, dana gizon helduak beratko emakumiekin pasietan parejak moruen, baina... en fin. Tokixa behintzat nahiko
Tximinoakgarvi zauen eta hotel merkia topatuta bertan hiru egun emun gau. Plaian amakan botata egunero eta bakoitza bere liburua irakurten, lasai lasai.

Oin Bangok era bueltau gare abioian eta chiang Mai ra jueteko beste abioi baten zai gaz. Bertan ohianian zehar 3 eguneko ibilaldi bat inbiou, mendixan gora eta gabetan akojonauta lo itxen. Haber ze pasetan jakun...

Ondo segi danok!!!


Sin mas

Phi phi txikia

Morena mia...

Buscando ando...


A ze parea

Ondartzako atzekoa tea


Travel Krabi


BY Justin & Jo Adams


We werent going to bother staying in Krabi - were planning to head straight to Phi Phi but got roped into a tour of James Bond Island - Absolutely STUNNING limestone rock formations - Definately up there with the most beautiful things i have ever seen!
James Bond!


Diving in Koh Phi Phi

We went on our first fun dive yesterday after completing our advanced. did a ship wreck dive which we LOVED! Also saw octopus, turtles and a leopard shark - very cool! xx

diving koh phi phi

diving koh phi phi

diving koh phi phi

diving koh phi phi

diving koh phi phi

diving koh phi phi


Krabi Map


Krabi Map
Krabi City Map


To Stay Krabi


To Stay

Amphoe Mueang

A. Mansion
12/6 Chaofa Road, Tambon Paknam, Amphoe Mueang, Krabi
Tel :: 075-630511-2
Website :: -
Email :: -

A.P. Resort Hat Ao Nang
164 Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7342-3
Website :: www.aonang.com/aptravel
Email :: -

Alis Ao Nang Krabi
125 AonangTel :: 0 7563 8000
Website :: http://www.alisthailand.com/
Email :: alis@alisthailand.com

Andaman Holiday Resort
Hat Khlong Muang 98 Mu 3 Tambon Nong Tha-le, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7564 4321-3Fax :: 0 7564 4320
Website :: http://www.andamanholiday.com/
Email :: -

Andaman Sunset Resort
Hat Ao Nang, 31 Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7359
Website :: -
Email :: -

Ao Nang Beach Resort
Hat Ao Nang, 142 Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7766-8
Website :: -
Email ::

Ao Nang Pakasai Resort
Hat Ao Nang, 88 Mu 3 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7777-8 , 0 2719 0034
Fax :: 0 7563 7637
Website :: http://www.pakasai.com/
Email :: pakasai@pakasai.com

Ao Nang Palm Hill
Hat Ao Nang, 83 Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7207
Website :: -
Email :: -

Ao Nang Paradise Resort and Longstay
Hat Ao Nang, 25/18 Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang, Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7650-1
Fax: 0 7563 7652
Website :: http://www.aonang-paradise-resort.com/
Email :: hotel@aonang-paradise-resort.com

Ao Nang Royal Resort
Hat Ao Nang, Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7118
Fax :: 0 7563 7119
Website :: -
Email :: -

Ao Nang Sea Front Resort
Hat Ao Nang, 245/6 Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7591-2
Website :: -
Email ::

Ao Nang Villa Resort
Hat Ao Nang, 113 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7270-4
fax 0 7569 5072
Website :: http://www.aonangvilla.com/
Email :: info@aonangvilla.com

B.B. Hotel
Hat Ao Nang, 23/3 Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7148
Fax :: 0 7563 7147
Website :: -
Email ::

Ban Ao Nang
Hat Ao Nang, 31/3 Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7071-4
Website :: -
Email :: -

Beach Terrace
Hat Ao Nang, 154 Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7180-3
Website :: -
Email :: -

Best Western Ao Nang Bay Resort and Spa
31/3 Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang, Krabi
Tel :: 0 7569 5051-4
Fax: 0 7569 5050
Website :: http://www.anyavee.com/
Email :: reserve@anyavee.com

Boonsiam Hotel
27 Chao Khun Road, Amphoe Mueang, Krabi
Tel :: 20 7563 2511-4
Fax: 0 7563 2510
Website :: -
Email :: http://www.boonsiamhotel.com/

Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Krabi
5396-396/1 Moo 2, Ao Nang, Muang, Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7789
Fax :: 0 7563 7800
Website :: http://www.centralhotelsresorts.com/
Email :: ckbr@chr.co.th

55 Uttarakit
Tel :: 0 7562 0952
Website :: http://www.chanchalay-krabi.com/
Email :: -

Chanchale B & B
Opposite District Office, 55 Uttarakit Road, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7562 0952
Website :: -
Email :: -

City Hotel
15/2-4 Sukhon Road, Amphoe Mueang, Krabi
Tel :: 0 7562 1280-1
Fax: 0 7562 1282
Website :: http://www.cityriverside-hotel-group.com/
Email :: -

Dawn of Happiness
23 Krabi-Susan Hoi Road, Tambon Sai Thai, Ban Laem Pho, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: -
Website :: -
Email :: -

Dream Garden House
Hat Ao Nang, 86/2 Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7338
Website :: -
Email :: -

Emerald Resort
Hat Noppharat Thara, Mu 4 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7562 3328
Fax :: 0 7563 1119
Website :: -
Email :: -

Golden Beach Reost
Hat Ao Nang, 232 Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7870
Fax :: 0 7563 7875
Website :: www.krabidir.com/goldenbeach
Email :: -

Hat Noppharat Thara National Park
Hat Noppharat Thara, Mu 5 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7200
Website :: -
Email ::

K.L. Guest House
28 Ruenruedi Road, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 07561 2511
Fax :: 0 7561 2512
Website :: -
Email :: -

Kiang Tha-le
77/1 Khongkha Road, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7562 2885-8
Fax :: 07562 2884
Website :: -
Email :: -

Kinaree House
152/84 Ko Phi Phi, Mu 7, Tambon Ao Nang Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 08 1854 5187,08 1899 1691,0 7560 1139
Fax :: 0 7560 1138
Website :: www.geocities.com/kinnaree_house
Email :: kinnaree1@hahoo.com

Krabi City Seaview (Khiang Thale)
77/1 Khongkha Road, Amphoe Mueang, Krabi
Tel :: 0 7562 2885-8Fax: 0 7562 2884Website :: http://www.krabidir.com/krabicityseaviewEmail :: -

@ Krabi Pura (At Krabi Pura)
256 Uttharakit Road, Paknum, Amphoe Mueang, Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 0365, 0 7563 0367
Fax: 0 7563 0367
Website :: http://atkrabipura.multiply.com/
Email :: atkrabipura@yahoo.co.th

Krabi La Playa Resort
143 Mu 3 Tambon Aonang, Amphoe Muang, Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7015-20, 0 2676 3828
fax. 0 7569 5497
Website :: http://www.krabilaplaya.com/
Email :: sales@krabilaplaya.com

Krabi Noppharat Resort
Hat Noppharat Thara, 83 Mu 3 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7632-3
Fax :: 0 7563 7634
Website :: -
Email :: -

Krabi Resort
Hat Ao Nang, 232 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7030-5
Fax :: 0 7563 7051
Bangkok Office Tel :: 0 2208 9165, 0 2208 9710
Website :: http://www.krabiresort.net/
Email :: reserv@krabiresort.net

Krabi Royal
403 Uttarakit Road, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7561 1582-4
Fax :: 0 7561 1581
Website :: -
Email :: -

Krabi Sea View
Hat Ao Nang, 143 Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7242-5
Fax :: 0 7563 7246
Website :: -
Email :: -

Lai Thai Resort
Hat Ao Nang, 25/1 Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7281
Fax :: 0 7563 7282
Website :: -
Email :: -

Maritime Park and Spa Resort
1 Thung Fa Road, Tambon Paknam, Amphoe Mueang, Krabi
Tel :: 0 7562 0028-46
Fax: 0 7561 2992
Website :: http://www.maritimeparkandspa.com/
Email :: maritime@maritimeparkandspa.com

Nakamanda Resort & Spa
Hat Klong Muaeng, Tambon Nong Thale, Amphoe Mueang Krabi
Tel :: 0 7562 8200Website :: http://www.nakamanda.com/
Email :: info@nakamanda.com

Noppharat Resort
97 Moo 3 , Ao Nang , Amphoe Mueang , Krabi
Tel :: 0 7569 5601, 0 7566 1301, 0 2908 1072
Fax :: 0 7569 5602, 0 7566 1302
Website :: http://www.noppharatresort.com/
E-mail :: sales@noppharatresort.com

Ocean Garden View Resort
Hat Ao Nang, 121/1 Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7527-31
Fax :: 0 7563 7211
Website :: -
Email :: -

P.K. Mansion
Hat Ao Nang, 247/12-15 Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7431-2
Fax :: 0 7563 7471
Website :: -
Email :: -

Peace Laguna
Hat Ao Nang, 193 Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7345-6
Fax :: 0 7563 7347
Website :: -
Email :: -

Phi Phi Island Village
Ao Lo Ba Kao, Ko Phi Phi Don, 84 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7561 2915
Fax :: 0 7561 2916Phuket
Office Tel :: 0 7621 5014, 0 7622 2784
Bangkok Office Tel :: 0 2276 6056, 0 2277 0038
Website :: -
Email :: -

Phi Phi Natural Resort
Laem Tong, Ko Phi Phi Don, Amphoe Mueang,KrabiPhuket
Office Tel :: 0 7561 3010-11
Website :: -
Email :: -

Phranang Inn
Hat Ao Nang, 119 Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7130-3
Fax :: 0 7563 7134-5
Website :: -
Email :: -

Private Beach Resort
Hat Nopparat Thara, Mu 4 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 1425 9686 Total :: 9 Bangalows Rate :: 1,000-3,500 baht
Website :: http://www.privatebeachresort.net/
Email :: reservation@privatebeachresort.net

Rai Le Bay Resort & Spa145 Moo 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7562 2570-2
Fax :: 0 7562 2573
Website :: http://www.krabi-railaybay.com/
Email :: info@krabi-railaybay.com

Rai Le Beach Club
Hat Rai Le,200 Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7562 2582, 0 1464 4338
Fax :: 0 7562 2596
Website :: -
Email :: -

Rai Le Village Resort
Hat Rai Le, 236 Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7562 2578-9
Website :: -
Email :: -

Rayavadee Premier Resort
Hat Rai Le, 67 Mu 5 Saithai-Susan Hoi Road, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7562 0740-3
Fax :: 0 7562 0630
Website :: -
Email :: -

Sand Sea Resort
Hat Rai Le, 39 Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7562 2167-8
Website :: -
Email :: -

Sunrise Bay Bungalow
Hat Rai Le, 69 Mu 5 Tambon Saithai, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: -
Website :: -
Email :: -

Thai Village Resort
Hat Ao Nang, 260 Mu 3 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7710-9, 0 7563 7720
Website :: -
Email :: -

Theparat Lodge
151-155 Maharaj Road Tambon Pak Nam, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7562 3718, 0 7562 2048, 0 7561 2363
Fax :: 0 7561 1413
Website :: http://www.thepparatlodge.com/
Email :: info@thepparatlodge.com theparat20002@yahoo.com

Tipa Resort
121/1 Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang, Krabi
Tel :: 0 7563 7527-9
Fax: 0 7563 7211
Website :: http://www.krabi-tiparesort.com/
Email :: -

Tropical Herbal Spa & Resort
20/1 Mu 2 Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang, Krabi
Tel :: 0 2254 7141, 0 7563 7940-2
Fax: 0 7563 7867
Website :: http://www.spakrabi.net/
Email :: spa@spakrabi.com

Tup Kaek Sunset Beach Resort
109 Mu 3 Tambon Nong Tha Len, Amphoe Mueang, Krabi*Rental canoes are available
Tel :: 0 7561 2253, 0 7561 8067-8
Website :: http://www.tup-kaek.com/
Email ::-

Vieng Thong
155 Uttarakit Road, Amphoe Mueang,Krabi
Tel :: 0 7562 0020-3
Fax :: 0 7561 2525
Website :: -
Email :: -

Local Products Krabi


Local Products

Hoi Chak Teen (Feet-pulling Shells)

Hoi chak teen or wing shell is in the Strombus Canxarium family. It looks like a conch but is smaller and brown in color. Its special characteristic is its dark brown walking legs which are referred to as "feet" or "teen" (in informal Thai). It is found in the sea in Krabi and nearby provinces.

To prepare the dish, the wing shell is soaked in salty water for about half an hour. A few crushed chilies are added to the water to make it spicy. The wing shell then begins to move, pushing its feet out and expelling the mud from inside. It is rinsed several times and then put in to a pot of cold water.

The pot is then put on the stove and when the water gets warm, the wing shell pushes its feet out. As soon as it is cooked, it is ready to be served.To eat the wing shell, you pull the feet and the mollusk will come out.

It is eaten with a dip made of garlic, chilies, sugar, lime juice and fish sauce.Hoi chak teen is a popular savory snack dish. The shells are also made into decorative items for the home or sold as souvenirs.

Som Shogun (Shogun Orange)

The orange is popular because of its sweet taste. It has a thin rind and little pulp and is best eaten fresh.
The orange tree flowers from March to June depending on the climate in the area and takes about one month for the fruit to set. The fruit can be picked 8 to 9 months later.
The most popular propagation method is by rooting branches. Orange growers usually wait until the tree is three years old before they start picking the fruit.

How to get there


From Bangkok

By Car

1. From Bangkok, proceed on Highway No.4, passing Phetchaburi, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Chumphon, Ranong and Phang-nga Provinces for a total distance of 946 kilometers.
2. From Bangkok, proceed on Highway No. 4, on reaching Chumphon Provinces take Highway No. 41 passing Amphoe Lang Suan in Surat Thani Province to Amphoe Wiang Sa, and then take Highway No. 4035 to Amphoe Ao Luek and continue on Highway No. 4 to Krabi. This route is 814 kilometers from Bangkok.
3. From Phuket, proceed on Highway No. 402 and No.

4. The distance from Phuket is 185 kilometers or 4 hours.

By bus

From Bangkok: There are air-conditioned bus services to Krabi leaving the Southern Bus Terminal at Borommaratcha Chonnani Road daily from 6.30 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. The buses provided include ordinary bus buses, 2nd class bus air-conditioned buses, 1st class air-conditioned buses and 24-seat VIP buses. The journey takes about 12 hours. For more details, contact tel. 0 2434 5557-8 (non air-conditioned buses) or tel. 0 2435 1199 or 0 2435 1200 (air-conditioned buses) or visit http://www.transport.co.th/.
By rail
From Bangkok: There is no direct train service to Krabi. But it is possible to take a train from Bangkok's Hua Lamphong Station to Trang or Nakhon Si Thammarat and take a bus or taxi to Krabi. For more information on trains, contact the State Railways of Thailand at tel. 1690, 223 7010, 223 7020 or visit http://www.railway.co.th/.For Trang, an express train leaves Bangkok daily at 5.05 p.m. and reaches Trang at 9.40 a.m. and a rapid train leaves daily at 6.20 p.m. and arrives at 12.20 p.m.

For Nakhon Si Thammarat, a rapid train leaves Bangkok daily at 5.35 p.m. and arrives at 10.45 a.m. and an express train leaves daily at 7.15 p.m. and arrives at 12.00 p.m. For more details, call 1690 or 0 2223 7010 or 0 2621 8701.
By air

Thai Airways International operates daily flights from Bangkok to Krabi. The trip takes 1.20 hours. For more information call 02 6282000. Website : http://www.thaiair.com/
Phuket Air offers a daily flight to and from Krabi. The flight time is 1.20 hours. Call 02 6798999 to make reservation or visit http://www.phuketairlines.com/ to check the flight schedule.

One–Two-Go Airlines: Bangkok Tel. 1126 Others Provinces Tel.1141 ext. 1126 http://www.fly12go.com/
Silk Air flies to Singapore 4 times a week. Tickets can be brought from any travel agencies in town.
From Phuket

By bus

From Phuket Bus Terminal, there are non air-conditioned and air-conditioned bus services to Krabi many times daily. The trip takes 3-4 hours. For details, contact 0 7621 1480.

By car

Take Route 402 and 4 which passes Takua Thung and Thap Pud Districts in Phang-nga and enter Krabi at Au Luek District. Total distance is 185 kilometers.

Getting around

Getting to Nearby Provinces

By Bus

From Krabi Bus Terminal there are services, both air-conditioned and non air-conditioned to nearby provinces, i.e. Phuket, Phang-nga, Trang, Hat Yai and Surat Thani (Samui). In addition, many local travel agencies in town provide air-conditioned buses or vans to these provinces.

The bus terminal, which is located 4 kilometers north of town at Talat Kao, provides bus services between Krabi and the following destinations:

Hat Yai (96 baht/ordinary bus bus, 130 baht /2nd class bus bus, 173 baht /1st class bus), Nakhon Si Thammarat (67 baht / ordinary bus), Phuket (65 baht /ordinary bus, 91 baht /2nd class bus, 117 baht /1st class bus), Phang-nga (46 baht /ordinary bus, 64 baht /2nd class bus, 82 baht /1st class bus), Ranong (106 bahts /ordinary bus), Su-nagi Kolok (335 bahts /1st class bus), Surat Thani (61 baht /ordinary bus, 126 baht /2nd class bus), Trang (50 baht /ordinary bus, 70 baht /2nd class bus, 90 baht /1st class bus).

For schedule and more information, contact Krabi Bus Terminal, tel. 0 7561 1804

By bus/boat combination

To Ko Samui: Travel agencies in town offer bus/boat tickets to Ko Samui (300-370 baht, four times a day), and also to Ko Pha-Ngan (450 baht, four times a day).

Getting around the city and nearby Districts

From Krabi Bus Terminal, located in Talat Kao, there are both local red buses and government buses depart regularly from 6.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. to other counties including major tourist spots. It costs 10 baht to get to a destination in town.

To travel further, i.e. to Ao Nang and hat Noppharat Thara, take the local white bus from Maharat Road for a fare of 20 baht

Songthaew and tuk tuk to the government bus terminal costs 8 bahts while a motorcycle taxi costs 30 bahts. Tuk tuks can be chartered for trips around the town for flat rates i.e. to the bus station (50 baht), What Tham Seua (100 baht) and the airport (200 baht).

Most of Songthaews leave in front of the 7-11 on Maharat Road. Destinations include Ao Leuk (20 baht), Ao Nam Mao (40 baht), Ao Nang (20 baht), Hat Noppharat Thara (20 baht) and Su San Hoi (40 baht).

There is also a service to Ban Hua Hin (Ferry pier to Ko Lanta). The bay is situated at the intersection of Phattana and Preuksa Uthit Roads.

Costing around 40 baht/person, the service runs frequently and takes 40 minutes.

Alternatively, it is possible to rent a car to travel around town and to nearby provinces.

Several agencies and guesthouses provide motorcycle rental for 150 baht/day while Jeep rental fees may range from 800 to 1,200 baht/day.

For more convenience, it is possible to hire a taxi, rent a motorcycle or a van at travel agencies and hotels. The local minibuses depart from Vogue Department Store on Maharat Road to the following destinations:

Destinations Fare: Baht

Ban Hua To : 11 Bath

Ban Nong Thalay : 20 Baht

Ban Khao Thong Noppharat : 50 Baht

Tear Beach : 20 Baht

Au Nang : 20 Baht

Shell Cemetery : 40 Baht

Ban Khlong Mueang : 50 Baht

Ban Nai Sa : 10 Baht

hao Phanom County : 14 Baht

Nua Khlong County : 20 Baht

Khlong Thom County : 25 Baht

Ban Bo Mueang : 31 Baht

Ban Hua Hin : 40 Baht

Ban Khlong Phon : 13 Baht

Lam Thap County : 26 Baht

Au Luek County : 30 Baht

Plai Phraya County : 31 Baht

Remarks: Fares are subject to change without notice.


Long-tailed boats depart from Saphan Jao Fah Pier to East Rai Le for 70 baht/person while the ferry to Ko Lanta (and also Ko Jam), which operates only from October to April costs 200 baht/person with two trips daily at 10.30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. The ferry to Phi Phi Island operates all year round at 200 baht/person with two trips daily, at 10.00a.m. and 2.30p.m.

Best time to visit Krabi

The climate of Krabi Province is tropical and therefore warm throughout the year. On the other hand, Krabi is also affected by the monsoon winds that bring about seasonal changes.
There are two very hot periods of weather on Krabi, the first is between April and May when the average temperatures ranges from 27 to 36 degrees Celsius with occasional tropical thunderstorm bringing relief from the heat.

It is also very hot between September and October, but the frequent rainfall has a wonderful cooling effect.

In May, at the peak of the southwest monsoon, it rains on an average of 25 days during the month, making it to one of the most humid months of the year.

Rainy days are interspersed with sunny days during this period and the rain generally comes in tropical downpours of an hour or so throughout the day mixed with periods of sunshine.

November to March is the most popular time for tourists to visit Krabi. It is when the northeast monsoon brings beautiful blue skies and predominantly sunny weather with an average temperature of 24 to 32 degrees Celsius.

Visitors are advised to make early reservations (maybe a year in advance) for accommodations during this period of time because of the popularity of the Krabi and its attractions.

Dining Krabi


Amphoe Ko Lanta

Khao Yai Restaurant (Seafood)

182 Mu 3 Tambon Ko Lanta Yai, Amphoe Ko Lanta, KrabiTel:: 0 7569 7244, 08 7895 6512Website:: http://khao-yai.com/

Amphoe Mueang

Chao Sua (Thai food)

325/1 Maharat Road, Amphoe Mueang,KrabiTel :: 0 7563 1774

Chuan Chim Seafood (Seafood)

55/5 Hat Noppharat Thara, Tambon Ao Nang, Amphoe Mueang,KrabiTel :: 0 7563 7355

Hok Ki Lao (Chinese food)

91/1 Hemthanon Road, Amphoe Mueang,KrabiTel :: 0 1978 7899 (Open 6 a.m.-1 p.m.)

Nong Chok(Thai Food)

47 Khongkha Road, Amphoe Mueang,KrabiTel :: 0 7561 1369

Ruean Mai(Thai Food)

Uttarakit Road, Amphoe Mueang,KrabiTel :: 0 7563 1797

Ruean Phae

(Thai Food)256/1 Uttarakit Road, Amphoe Mueang,KrabiTel :: 0 7561 1956

Krabi Boek Fa Andaman Festival



Krabi Boek Fa Andaman Festival

Krabi Boek Fa Andaman Festival is annually held to inaugurate the provinces tourist season.

The festival features parades, local products contests, sea Kayak competitions and boat races.

Loi Ruea Chao Le Festival

Loi Ruea Chao Le Festival is a rare festival on Ko Lanta of sea gypsies. The festival is held annually, on the full moon day in the sixth and the eleventh months of the lunar calendar.

The sea gypsies on Ko Lanta and from neighbouring areas will gather at the beach near Ban Sala Dan to float boats in the sea in order to bring good luck.

The Rong Ngeng, a typical southern dance as well as traditional music, will be performed around the boats


Krabi Picture



Hat Noppharat Thara - Mu Ko Phi Phi National Park


Krabi at aglance

Located approximately 814 kilometers from Bangkok is Krabi Province, one of most attractive destinations in southern Thailand. Encompassing an area of 4,708 square kilometers, the western border of Krabi is the Andaman Sea, the northern borders are Surat Thani and Phang-nga Provinces, the southern borders are Trang Province and the Andaman Sea and the eastern borders are Nakhon Si Thammarat and Trang Provinces. Krabi is an ideal getaway destination teeming with natural attractions including white sandy beaches, fascinating coral reefs, numerous large and small islands and verdant forests with caves and waterfalls.

Krabi's topography is mostly mountains and highlands separated by plains in some parts. Flowing through Krabi City to the Andaman Sea at Pak Nam Sub-district is Maenam Krabi which is 5 kilometers in length. In addition, there are several canals originating from the province's highest mountain range, Khao Phanom Bencha including Khlong Pakasai, Khlong Krabi Yai and Khlong Krabi Noi. Lush mangrove forests line the canals and the banks of Maenam Krabi particularly before it empties into the Andaman Sea. The provinces sandy soil conditions are suitable for growing various agricultural products, particularly rubber trees, palms, coconuts, cashew nuts and coffee.

Due to the influence of the tropical monsoon, there are only two seasons in Krabi; the hot season from January to April and the rainy season from May to December. Temperatures range between 17 °C and 37 °C.

Krabi is administratively divided into 8 Amphoes (Districts): Amphoe Mueang, Khao Phanom, Khlong Thom, Plai Phraya, Ko Lanta, Ao Luek, Lam Thap, and Nuea Khlong. The provinces jurisdiction covers not only in-land districts and sub-districts, but also extends to more than 130 large and small islands including the world famous Phi Phi Islands.

In addition, Krabi is the location of two world class beaches Ao Nang and Hat Rai Le which offer numerous diving trips, restaurants, shops etc. Additional attractions in the province are stunning limestone cliffs and rock formations which make it a heaven for rock climbers and a National Park located approximately 40 kilometers outside of town with lakes, caves and spectacular natural

History of Krabi

Some archeologists claim that Krabi City is one of the older settlements in the country as there is archaeological evidence indicating that this area had been home to homosapiens during the prehistoric times or between 25,000 - 35,000 B. C. The assumption has been strongly supported by the discovery of stone tools, ancient colored pictures, beads, pottery and skeletal remains in the provinces cliffs and caves.

In 1200 A.D., the area was known as Ban Thai Samo, one of 12 royal cities that had a monkey as the town symbol. During this period of time, Krabi was under the rule of the Kingdom of Ligor, a city better known today as Nakhon Si Thammarat.

During the reign of King Rama V (1868-1910), the community was known as Pakasai Sub-county and remained under the direct jurisdiction of Nakhon Si Thammarat province.

Around 1872, King Rama V elevated Pakasai Sub-county to Krabi Province with the provincial administration office situated at Krabi-yai Sub-county (currently, the office is located near the estuary at Pak Nam Sub-district) and in 1875, ordered the separation of Krabi Province from Nakhon Si Thammarat Province.

During the present reign, the corps of civil servants, merchants, and the people of Krabi and nearby provinces have collectively organized the construction of a royal residence at Laem Hang Nak Cape which is thirty kilometers west of Krabi Town on the Andaman coast to be presented to His Majesty the King.

Origin of the name Krabi

There are two legends concerning the origin of the name "Krabi". The first is that villagers presented a large ancient sword (or krabi) that was discovered by chance to the governor. Later when a smaller, on discovering a smaller one, it was also presented to the governor. Regarded as sacred and auspicious, the governor decided to keep them in the province. As the process for the establishment of the province was still in progress, the swords were placed crossing each other in Khao Khanap Nam cave. Since then, the crossed swords have remained a part of the provincial seal.

The second legend is that "Krabi" was derived from the name of a local tree known as "Lumphi". The Malay and Chinese merchants mispronunciation of the name to "Ka-lu-bi" or "Kho-lo-bi" finally resulted in "Krabi" (or sword).