
Travel In Krabi

By Brezzercogs


Erin: After our adventure involving many modes of transport to get here to Krabi, we decided to stay and we've been hanging out here for the past week or so. We also decided to forget about our train tickets home and booked a flight (40 bucks to fly all the way back to Bangkok... it's like Westjet but Asian!)
Since we've been here we've mostly been sitting, lying and sometimes strolling for very short distances on the various beaches in the area. We did a snorkelling tour of some islands one day and then we had the idea that it would be fun to do a kayaking tour through the jungle/lagoons a couple of days ago...

Mike: Right...what Erin calls a "Lagoon tour" I call the funniest thing that has ever happened...I have been had...the "adventure seeking" girl I fell in love with does not exist ...or at least she didn't show up for the kayak trip...upon being dropped off after an hour bus drive to lord knows where on the back of an open pick up truck being driven by our guide (King) who was smoking a gigantic joint (and periodically stopping for what I assumed were the
Fat Asian kid of the week (#1)equivalent of Asian munchies...some kind of rice cake snack) we arrived on what was supposed to be a sandy beach ...although we should be used to this "what was supposed to be" business it was low tide so we were told to "remove our shoes" and walk through three feet of mud (the ocean floor), jellyfish and crabs for about ten minutes...if you think you have ever seen Erin unhappy I assure you haven't...at least to this degree...I can only sum up the unhappiness with the fact that she used back to back f-bombs ("fucking fucker...directed at me...) in a perfectly legitimate sentence...pretty awesome actually. Finally arriving at the kayaks...me and my hardcore buddy, despite my trying to ally myself with a guy from Chicago as I had a feeling about Erin's kayaking skills, hopped in the boat and headed out...to make a very long day short...island of crabs..fighting monkeys...many mosquitoes...Erin yelling at me to steer left...more yelling to go faster...caves with bats...harcore erin running from the cave (not simply out of it but about a mile down the road) and my favorite part of the day...Erin trying not to get wet in kayak all day as she is petrified
Ken??of "still water"...pretty awesome!!

Other funny stuff...

(1) Despite Erin being clearly scared...I had an hour long conversation last night with a tatooed West German dude who spent time in a Thai prison about how to fight Thais should I get in a bar fight...really, really funny...and kinda scary...

(2) I saw what has to be the fattest Thai kid in Krabi and to make it better he was in his school uniform...couldn't snap a pic but with this, I would like to intoduce a new section to our blog called "FAT ASIAN KID OF THE WEEK"...please see nclosed picture from the Grand Palace...

(3) Elephant poop - bigger than erin...nuff said.

(4) On our snorkeling trip we came across Krabi's "fertility cave"...being the incredibly fast team that we are it took us ten minutes to figure out what the beautiful wood carvings being thrown into the cave were...see picture attached...I was suddenly overcome by a feeling of inadequacy... Erin: Touche... all true... the pictures in the brochure showed leisurely paddling in sunny waters, not scary lagoons with monkeys fighting each other (although the monkeys WERE super cool - pics attached). Except I really Ken, walking???don't recall swearing, but anyway...

Stay tuned for more - we're off to Cambodia tomorrow to see stuff (you know, one of the seven wonders of the world, genocide museum, that kind of stuff). We should probably get organized as we don't even know what currency they use there...

Asian person sifting for expensive stuff

Wat Po Buddha (Bangkok)

Longtail Boats at Ao Nang Beach (Krabi)

"Fertility Cave"... swear to God...

And this pic is only a small part of the cave - the "shrines" were everywhere...

A scenic stop on the way to our "kayaking extravaganza"

One of one million crabs on "crab island" (also part of the kayaking extravaganza"Note: You actually had to skip around to avoid stepping on the crabs since there were so many, all scurrying around to get to some place unknown to us. Good basis for a horror movie...

Monkey chillin' on the cliffside

Can you really blame me for running out of the cave??PS - cave is not actually lit - the flash is what captured the bats... it's actually eerily dark and scary...

Mike is foregoeing a career in business to become the elephant whisperer...

Erin is not...


Travel Krabi

by Mark_Bate


Landed in Ao Nang on the 9th from Phi Phi, where we made our way over to Krabi town and checked into the Grand Tower Hotel. That it certainly is! It's about six storeys high with views over the uglier parts of the town. We went straight for tea on the infamous night market. The food was rather splendid and incredibly cheap; and also rather satisfying that the locals ate there as well.

The next day saw us hit Railay Beach, via a 45minute longtail boat ride. This place is best described in pictures. The red hot sun beat down on the lush tropical green waters and perfect sand. We spent all day there and got an incredible tan for our efforts.

The 11th saw us hit Ao Nang beach - for about 20 minutes. It was busy, full of shops and surprisingly low on quality beach! Row after row of boats meant that we couldn't really swim, so we headed for the 30minute moped journey back home, before we head to Phuket Town in preparation for our venture in Malaysia.